Engineering Documentation Management System (EDMS)

Engineering Documents/Documentation Management System (EDMS) assists the organization based on its role in the project to send, receive, review and follow up the status of engineering documents. Considering that in large EPC projects, many documents must be produced and approved by the employer or consultant, the existence of this system is necessary to track all revision documents and properly maintain all files and records. The solution is implemented in Primavera Unifier software system. The processes of engineering document list (MDL- Master Document List), list of engineering packages (Submittal Packages), Transmittal, Submittal Revision are the main processes of this system. Due to the capabilities of Unifier software system in integrating with the schedule in Primavera P6 EPPM, it is possible to get the scheduling information of documents or engineering packages in realtime and online as well as returning real information to the project schedule in Primavera easily.

This system, also known as EDMS software or documentation management software, allows recording and maintaining all project engineering records including transmitals, comment sheets, contractor responses and final results. One of the advantages of UNIFIER software is the uniformity of the method of working in all processes. In fact, each process is equipped with meta-functionality such as workflow, document versioning, publishing in Document Manager, possibility of attaching files in the original form and detailed forms, internal comments, email, process communications based on Spider Map, log audit control and according to the similarity of all processes users can easily use these features.

List of engineering documents (Submittals)

  • Registration of engineering documents list
  • Possibility of recording changes in engineering documents during the project and keeping their records
  • Registration of additional characteristics of engineering documents such as discipline, class, group of documents, type, size, responsible, etc.
  • Registration of the information of the last edit of the document including Roygen, transmital date, comment sheet number and date and status stated on the document
  • Ability to display all manuscripts created on any engineering document

Production process and revision of engineering documents (Submittal Revisions)

  • Attach documentation as PDF and Native
  • Internal process of manipulation of documents and reviewing it in the consultant or employer
  • Segregated forms in the workflow with different access
  • Send notifications to other stakeholders
  • Ability to register comments on the web and create Comment Sheet format according to the project pattern automatically
  • Ability to register Reply Sheet on the web and create Reply Sheet format according to the project pattern automatically
  • Ability to register End Conclusion on a web-based basis and create end Conclusion format according to the project pattern automatically
  • Determining the status of the document according to the project coordination method
  • Calculation of engineering degree progress according to project progress measurement system (PMS)
  • Possibility of controlling the internal version of files and extensions (Document Versioning)
Example of workflow defined in Primavera Unifair

Investigation of internal circulation of document version in different units (IDC- Inter Policey Check)

Considering that many engineering documents such as P&Ds, Data Sheets, Plans, etc. During the cycle, engineering documents are required to be reviewed in other engineering units and their corrective or supplementary opinions are received. (This process is called IDC) in unifier engineering documents system it is easy and documents can be easily referred to several other units at any stage of work to get comments.

Transmittal Documents

  • Create a new Transmittal and record its information
  • Transmital automatic numbering according to project coding structure
  • Create output format according to project template automatically in Word, Excel or PDF formats

List of engineering packages (Submittal Packages)

For better engineering planning and due to the constant changes in the list of engineering documents, planning of engineering documents/documentation management system (EDMS) is facilitated. Each engineering package can include a code, title and features such as discipline, process unit, type of subset documents, etc. Be.

Information Request/ Technical Faq (RFI & TQ)

  • Possibility of defining the workflow of verification and responding to the request for information based on the organization/project procedures and guidelines
  • Request information with additional documentation and attached photos and images
  • Reports of requests created and their response status

Purchasing Engineering Document Management(VDR)

  • Registration of engineering documents including code, title, version and attachments in the system
  • Reviewing documents by engineering department and sending Comment Sheet for supplier
  • Ability to reply to documents (Reply Sheet) and send new edits
  • Reports on the status of purchasing engineering documents

Engineering Reports

  • Engineering progress table report based on the latest circulation of engineering documents
  • Engineering Records Report (MDR)
  • Report engineering documents on a critical path
  • Report documents on contractor's land with calculation of delays
  • Report documents on employer's land along with calculation of delays
  • Report table of the number of documents status
  • Dynamic Engineering Documents Dashboard